2 In Dog/ Lifestyle

Happy Holidays!


Happy holidays! Christmas is such a special time of year. With beautiful decorations and music in the air, life feels a bit more festive and colorful. This year, Kip got a cute little Santa outfit from his grandma. She enjoys making clothes for a hobby and decided to make an outfit for Kip with some leftover fabric. She even made a little Santa hat to go with it!


Since it’s hard to get Kip to wear a hat, she attached the hat to the back of his sweater. What a totally fun and cute idea!  I’ll have to think about other accessories that could be sewn on to the back of dog outfits for the future.


Now I just need to prepare a plate of cookies and a bowl of milk for my darling little Santa Paws. How are you enjoying the holiday festivities with your furry friends?

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