0 In Books

Listening to ‘The Happiness Project’


I finally stopped to read the first few pages of the book through the preview on Amazon and decided to purchase the audiobook through Audible. I’ve been listening to the audio book for three hours now and wish I had picked up this book when it first came out.

This book is more than just a list of things she wanted to do to be happy. It has the author’s personal reflections and honest confessions about her attitude and the efforts she made to change them. I think it’s really hard to admit or at least to confess before the world the not so nice things you have said or ways you have acted towards others. I admire her courage and struggles to try to make a conscious change. There is so much wisdom in this book that hits home and I wish I had known years ago.

There is no point in sitting here and regretting what has not been done in the past, so I am contemplating starting my own happiness project after reading this book.

Random thought: You read a book. Is an audiobook considered reading or listening?  I suppose technically it’s listening but once you finish it do you say ‘I read The Happiness Project‘ or ‘I listened to The Happiness Project?’ It appears some people don’t think audiobooks count as reading a book, just as you wouldn’t count watching a movie as reading the book. An unabridged audiobook still means you absorb the book word for word though. What do you think?

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