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London: Paddington Station


Originally the plan was to take the train from Paddington Station to Windsor Castle and from there return to the city to Waterloo Station. Apparently you’re supposed to specify otherwise if you don’t want a return ticket because when I asked for a ticket to Paddington Station, I received a round ticket.


It wasn’t all that bad though, because I made a great discovery!


I didn’t get a chance to go in, but I spotted a Paddington Bear shop! Paddington Bear! I remember the picture book from my childhood! Well, I remember that I liked the book, but I don’t remember all the details. Like the fact that Paddington Bear was named Paddington because he was found at Paddington Station! Next time I’m in London I’ll have to go in and take a look. There is a Paddington Bear movie out right now and I’m sorry that I missed it in the theater here in Korea. Technically it’s still on, but only the dubbed version which I prefer to avoid. I’ll have to rent it when it’s out on dvd! Have you seen the Paddington Bear movie? How was it?


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