This is one of my favorite pictures of Kip when he was young. It shows three things that Kip really likes. Mr. Foxy is a stuffing-less toy that Kip loves. I got it when he was five months old and Kip still loves it up-to-date. I find it amazing that one of the squeakers are still alive given that it’s just a regular squeaker. The second thing Kip likes is to take a nap, and the third is keeping his butt warm. I find it somewhat odd, but he likes to sleep with his butt on the heater. Usually I shoo him away, seeing as the last thing I need is a pup on fire.
Maybe the reason he likes Mr. Foxy so much is because I got it when he was really young. It was Kip’s second toy and I’m still quite amazed that it lasted through his teething phase.
He likes it as a tug toy and if I drag it across the floor he’ll pounce on it.
It must be one of those “teddy bear” or “baby blanket” things that children have. Whatever it is, its mighty cute!